- Number of papers in refereed journals: 96
- Number of communications to scientific meetings: >150 - Number of books: 5 Selected publications (2015�1993) Google scholar 2016 Ya.Yatskiv, O. Degtyaryov, G. Milinevsky, I. Syniavskyi, M. Mishchenko, V. Rosenbush, Yu. Ivanov, A. Makarov, A. Bovchaliuk, V. Danylevsky, M. Sosonkin, S. Moskalov, V. Bovchaliuk, A. Lukenyuk, A.Shymkiv, E.Udodov. New satellite project "Aerosol-UA": remote sensing of aerosols in the terrestrial atmosphere // Acta Astronautica � V. 123. � 2016. � P. 292�300. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.02.027, 2015 ���� �. �. ���������� ��� ������������ ��������� � �. ��� / �. �. ����, �. �. ̳��������� // ³��. ��� ������ � 2015. � � 10. � C. 25�30. � ISSN 1027-3239. Shavrina A., Veles A., Milinevsky G., Grytsai A., Liptuga A., Kyslyi V., Romanyuk Ya. Atmospheric ozone profiles during Vasylkiv oil burning episode. Odessa Astronomical Publications. - 2015. - V. 28(1). - P. 55-57. Milinevsky, G., Ya. Yatskiv, O. Degtyaryov, I. Syniavskyi, Yu. Ivanov, A. Bovchaliuk, M. Mishchenko, V. Danylevsky, M. Sosonkin, V. Bovchaliuk. 2015. Remote sensing of aerosol in the terrestrial atmosphere from space: new missions. Advances in astronomy and space physics 5: 11-16. ISSN 2227-1481. Syniavskyi I. I., Milinevsky G. P., Ivanov Yu. S., Sosonkin M. G., Danylevsky V. O., Rosenbush V. K., Bovchaliuk A. P., Lukenyuk A. A., Shymkiv A. P., Mishchenko M. I. 2015. Methodology, hardware implementation, and validation of satellite remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols: first results of the AEROSOL-UA space experiment development. Space Science and Technology 21(3): 9-17. Rapoport, Yu.G., Yu.A. Selivanov, V.M. Ivchenko, G.P. Milinevsky, O.O. Cheremnykh, V.V. Grymalsky, and E.M. Tkachenko. The models of electromagnetic and acoustic seismoionospheric coupling and formation of ionospheric structures. 15th Ukrainian conference on space research, Odessa, August, 24-28, 2015. Abstracts. P. 24. ISSN 2309-2130 �������� �.�., ������������ �.�., ������ �.�. ���� ����������� ��������� ��������� ��� ����� �� ������������� ������������ �������� AERONET �� ����� �� ����� ������ ����� ����� 2010 �. // ����������� � �������������� ��������/ - 2014. - �.10. � �. 437 � 444. Galytska E., Danylevsky V., Snizhko S. State of aerosol pollution of the atmosphere over Kyiv by remote studies of AERONET and the impact of forest fires in the summer of 2010. // Geopolitics and Ecogeodynamics of Regions/ - 2014. - V. 10. � P. 437 � 444. (Ukr) Matveev, A. J., G. Milinevsky, H.-W. Schenke, K. Shibuya, L. E. Sjöberg, A. Zakrajsek, M. Fritsche, A. Rülke, R. Dietrich, A. Groh, C. Knöfel, M. Scheinert, A. Capra, J. Cisak, E. Dongchen, T. Eiken, A. Fox, L. D. Hothem, G. Johnston, and E. C. Malaimani. 2015. The Antarctic Regional GPS Network Densification: Status and Results. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: 1-7. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISSN 0939-9585. doi:10.1007/1345_2015_79. �����, �. �., �. �. �����������, �. �. ����������. ����������� �������� � ����������� ���������. ����������� � ���������������. � 2015. � �. 20, � 2. � �. 109-121. In English: A. V. Soina, G. P. Milinevsky, Y. M. Yampolski. 2015. Seven-day variations in the atmospheric aerosols. Radiophysics and Radio Astronomy 20(2): 109-121. Evtushevsky O.M., Kravchenko V.O., Hood L.L., Milinevsky G.P. Teleconnection between the central tropical Pacific and the Antarctic stratosphere: spatial patterns and time lags // Climate Dynamics. - 2015. - V. 44, Issue 7-8. - P. 1841-1855. - ISSN: 0930-7575 IF 4.673 2014 Bezrukov V., Moller A., Milinevsky G., Rushkovsky S., Sobol M., Mousseau T. Heterogeneous relationships between abundance of soil surface invertebrates and radiation from Chernobyl // Ecological Indicators. - 2014. - V. 52. - P. 128�133. - IF 3.23 Kabashnikov V., Milinevsky G., Chaikovsky A., Miatselskaya N., Danylevsky V., Aculinin A., Kalinskaya D., Korchemkina E., Bovchaliuk A., Pietruczuk A., Sobolewsky P., Bovchaliuk V. Localization of aerosol sources in East-European region by back-trajectory statistics // International Journal of Remote Sensing. - 2014. - V. 35 (19). - P. 6993-7006. - doi: 10.1080/01431161.2014.960621 IF 1.359 Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Bovchaliuk V., Bovchaliuk A., Goloub Ph., Dubovik O., Kabashnikov V., Chaikovsky A., Miatselskaya N., Mishchenko M., Sosonkin M. Aerosol seasonal variations over urban�industrial regions in Ukraine according to AERONET and POLDER measurements // Atmos. Meas. Tech. - 2014. - V. 7. - P. 1459-1474. - doi:10.5194/amt-7-1459-2014 IF 3.2 Mousseau T.A., Milinevsky G., Jane Kenney-Hunt J., and Moller A.P. Group: Integrated Natural Resources Modelling and Management (INRMM)-library 1455 articles // Academy of Management Journal. - 2014. - V. 57(1). - P. 172-192. IF 4.974 Evtushevsky O., Grytsai A., Milinevsky G. On the regional distinctions in annual cycle of total ozone in the northern midlatitudes // Remote Sensing Letters. - 2014. - V. 5(3). - P. 205�212. - link IF 1.43 Mousseau T. A., Milinevsky G., Kenney-Hunt J., Moller A. P. Highly reduced mass loss rates and increased litter layer in radioactively contaminated areas // Oecologia. - 2014. - doi: 10.1007/s00442-014-2908-8. IF 3.01 2013 Milinevsky G.P. The AERONET network: atmospheric aerosol research in Ukraine // Bulletin of Ukrainian Earth Orientation Parameters Laboratory (BUEOP). - 2013. - V. 8. - P. 95-97. Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Bovchaliuk V., Bovchaliuk A., Goloub Ph., Dubovik O., Kabashnikov V., Chaikovsky A., Mishchenko M., Sosonkin M. Aerosol seasonal variations over urban sites in Ukraine and Belarus according to AERONET and POLDER measurements // Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. - 2013. - V. 6. - P. 10731-10759. - doi:10.5194/amtd-6-10731-2013. link �������� �.�. ����� ����� �� ������� �������� ��� ������� �� ������ ������������ �� �������� ��������� // ������� ����� � ���������. � 2013. � �. 19(5). � �. 27-41. Bovchaliuk A. The spatial variability of PM2.5 using satellite POLDER/PARASOL data over Ukraine // Advances in astronomy and space physics. � 2013. � V. 3(2). � P. 102-108. - link ���������� �.�., ����������� �.�., �������� �.�., ����������� �.�. ����������� ������� ���������� ���������, ����������� � ����������� ����� �������, ������� ���������� �������� ���������� // ³���� ����������� �����. - 2013. - V. 9 (1�2). - P. 149-154. - ISSN 1607-2855. Bovchaliuk V., Bovchaliuk A., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Sosonkin M., Goloub Ph. Aerosol Microtops II sunphotometer observations over Ukraine // Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. - 2013. - V. 3. - P. 46-52. link Bovchaliuk A., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Goloub P., Dubovik O., Holdak A., Ducos F., Sosonkin M. Variability of aerosol properties over Eastern Europe observed from ground and satellites in the period from 2003 to 2011 // Atmos. Chem. Phys. - 2013. - V. 13. - P. 6587-6602. - doi:10.5194/acp-13-6587-2013. IF 5.51 link Mousseau T.A., Welch S.M., Chizhevsky I., Bondarenko O., Milinevsky G., Tedeschi D.J., Bonisoli-Alquati A., Møller A.P. Tree rings reveal extent of exposure to ionizing radiation in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris // Trees. - 2013. - V. 6. - doi:10.1007/s00468-013-0891-z IF 1.68 link Grytsai A., Milinevsky G. SCIAMACHY/Envisat, OMI/Aura, and groundbased total ozone measurements over Kyiv-Goloseyev station // International Journal of Remote Sensing. - 2013. - V. 34(15). - P. 5611-5622. IF 1.14 link Bovchaliuk A., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Goloub P., Dubovik O., Holdak A., Ducos F., Sosonkin M. Variability of aerosol properties over Eastern Europe observed from ground and satellites in the period from 2003 to 2011 // Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. - 2013. - V. 13. - P. 2641-2670. - doi:10.5194/acpd-13-2641-2013. link 2012 ���������� �.�. ������������ ����� �������� ����������� ��������� � ������������������� ������� �� ������ ���� AERONET ������� ����������� ������� / ���������� �.�., �������� �.�., ����������� �.�., ��������� �.�., ���������� �.�., ���������� �.�., ����������� �.�., �������� �.�., �������� A., ����������� �., ���������� �.�. // ������ ����� ������̲. � 2012. � ���. 262. � �. 40-59. Kravchenko V.O., Evtushevsky O.M., Milinevsky G.P. Remote troposphere-stratosphere connection by the data of 30-years satellite measurements of Antarctic ozone // Space Science and Technology. � 2012. � V. 18, N5. � P. 48�58. (in Ukrainian) ��������� �.�., ������������ �.�., ̳��������� �.�. ³������� �����������-������������ ������ �� ������ 30-����� ������������ ��������� ������������� ����� // ������� ����� � ���������. � 2012. � �. 18, � 5. � �. 48�58 link Saliuk D. A., Agapitov O., Milinevsky G. P. Magnetized Rossby waves in mid-latitude ionosphere F-layer // Advanced in astronomy and space physics. � 2012. � Vol. 2. � P. 95-98. � ISSN 2227-1481 link ����� �.�., ������� �.�., �������� �.�., ��������� �.�., ��������� �.�., ����������� �.�.,* ������� �.�., ������ �.�., ������� �.�., ����������� �.�., �������� �.�. ������ ����������: ������������� ������������ ��������� � ������ ��������� �� �������� // ������� ����� � ���������. � 2012. � �. 18(4). � �. 3�15 . (Yatskiv Ya.S., �ishchenko M.I., Rosenbush V.�., Shakhovskoy D.N., Sinyavsky I.I., �ilinevsky G.P., �iselev N.N., Ivanov Yu.S., Petukhov V.N., Danylevsky V.O., Bovchalyuk �.P. Satellite project �AEROSOL-U��: Remote sensing of aerosols in the Earth�s atmosphere // Space Science and Technology. - 2012. - V 18. - P. 3-15 (in Ukrainian) link ) Milinevsky G.P., Danylevsky V.O., Grytsai A.V., Evtushevsky O.M., Kravchenko V.O., Bovchaliuk A.P., Bovchaliuk V.P., Sosonkin M.G., Goloub Ph., Savitska L.Y., Udodov E.V., Voytenko V.P. Recent development of atmosphere research in Ukraine // Advanced in astronomy and space physics. � 2012. � Vol. 2. � P. 114-120 link Flores H., Atkinson A., Kawaguchi S., Krafft B., Milinevsky G., Nicol S., Reiss C., Tarling G.A., Werner R., Bravo Rebolledo E., Cirelli V., Cuzin-Roudy J., Fielding S., Groeneveld J., Haraldsson M., Lombana A., Marschoff E., Meyer B., Pakhomov E.A., Rombolá E., Schmidt K., Siegel V., Teschke M., Tonkes H., Toullec J., Trathan P., Tremblay N., Van de Putte A., van Franeker J.A., Werner T. Impact of climate change on Antarctic krill // Marine Ecology-Progress Series (MEPS). - 2012. - V. 458. - P. 1-19. - doi: 10.3354/meps09831 link �������� �.�., ����������� �.�., ����������� �.�., �������� �.�., ����� �., �������� �.�. �������� ������������ �������� ��� ����������� ������� �� ������ ������������ ����������� POLDER/PARASOL // ������� ������ �����-2012. � ������, 2012. � C. 44-48 link Kravchenko V.O., Evtushevsky O.M., Grytsai A.V., Klekociuk A.R., Milinevsky G.P., Grytsai Z.I. Quasi-stationary planetary waves in late winter Antarctic stratosphere temperature as a possible indicator of spring total ozone. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 12(6), 2865�2879, 2012. IF 5.51 link 2011 Kravchenko V.O., Evtushevsky O.M., Grytsai A.V. and Milinevsky G.P. Decadal variability of winter temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula region // Antarctic Science. � 2011. � Vol. 23(6). � P. 614�622. � doi:10.1017/S0954102011000423 Evtushevsky O., Klekociuk A., Grytsai A., Milinevsky G. and Lozitsky V. Troposphere and stratosphere influence on tropopause in the polar regions during winter and spring. // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2011. � Vol. 32. � No. 11. � P. 3153-3164 link link2 Grytsai A. Planetary wave peculiarities in Antarctic ozone distribution during 1979�2008 // International Journal of Remote Sensing. - 2011. - V. 32(11). - P. 3139-3152. � doi:10.1080/01431161.2010.541518 Lozitsky V., Grytsai A., Klekociuk A. and Milinevsky G. Influence of planetary waves on total ozone column distribution in northern and southern high latitudes // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2011. � V. 32(11). � P. 3179-3186. � doi:10.1080/01431161.2010.541519 link Danylevsky, V., Ivchenko, V., Milinevsky, G. , Grytsai, A., Sosonkin, M., Goloub, P., Li, Z. and Dubovik, O. Aerosol layer properties over Kyiv from AERONET/PHOTONS sunphotometer measurements during 2008-2009 // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2011. � V. 32(3). � P. 657 � 669. - doi:10.1080/01431161.2010.517798 link Smirnov A., Holben B.N., Giles D.M., Slutsker I., O'Neill N.T., Eck T.F., Macke A., Croot P., Courcoux Y., Sakerin S.M., Smyth T. J., Zielinski T., Zibordi G., Goes, J.I., Harvey M.J., Quinn P.K., Nelson N.B., Radionov V.F., Duarte C.M., Losno R., Sciare J., Voss K. J., Kinne S., Nalli N.R., Joseph E., Moorthy K., Covert D.S., Gulev S.K., Milinevsky G., Larouche P., Belanger S., Horne E., Chin M., Remer L.A., Kahn R.A., Reid J. S., Schulz M., Heald C. L., Zhang J., Lapina K., Kleidman R. G., Griesfeller J., Gaitley B. J., Tan Q., Diehl T. L. Maritime aerosol network as a component of AERONET � first results and comparison with global aerosol models and satellite retrievals // Atmos. Meas. Tech. � Vol. 4. � 2011. � P. 583-597. � doi:10.5194/amt-4-583-2011 link ����������� �.�., ����������� �.�., �������� �.�., ������ �.�., ������� �.�., �������� �.�., �������� �.�., ����� �. �������� ������������ �������� �� ���������� � ��������� ���������� � �� �������� ��� �������� ��� ������������ ��������� ������� // ���������� � ������������ ��������� ������� / [���������� �.�., ������� �.�., ������� �.�. � ��.]. - ����:����-�����, 2011. - 448 �. - �. 122-134. ����������� �.�., ��������� �.�., ��������� �.�. ���������� � ������������� �������������� ����� ��� ����������� ��� ������ ����������� �� ���������� ������ ������ // ���������� � ������������ ��������� ������� / [���������� �.�., ������� �.�., ������� �.�. � ��.]. - ����:����-�����, 2011. - 448 �. - �. 429-434. 2010 Danylevsky V., Ivchenko V., Milinevsky G., Sosonkin M., Goloub Ph., Z. Li., O. Dubovik. Atmospheric Aerosol Properties Measured with AERONET/PHOTONS Sun-Photometer over Kyiv during 2008-2009 // In: Use of Satellite and In-Situ Data to Improve Sustainability (Eds. F. Kogan, A. Powell and O. Fedorov). NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. � Springer, 2010. � P. 285 - 294 Laska K., Proshek P., Budik L., Budikova M., Milinevsky G. Estimation of solar UV radiation in maritime Antarctica using nonlinear model including cloud effects // International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor & Francis. � 2010. � Vol. 31, No. 3,4. � P. 831�849 ������ �.�., ������������ �.�., ̳��������� �.�., ������ �.�. ������� ����� � A��������� �� ������ 30-����� ������������ ������������ // ������� ����� � ���������. - 2010. - �. 16, � 1. - �. 20-27. 2009 Parnikoza I., Convey P., Dykyy I., Trokhymets V., Milinevsky G., Tyschenko O., Inozemtseva D., Kozeretska I. Current status of the Antarctic herb tundra formation in the Central Argentine Islands // Global Change Biology. - 2009. - Vol. 15. - DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01906.x. - P. 1685�1693 Kravchenko V., Evtushevsky A., Grytsai A., Milinevsky G., Shanklin J. Total ozone dependence of the difference between the empirically corrected EP-TOMS and high-latitude station datasets // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2009. � Vol. 30, No. 15. � P. 4283 � 4294 link Laska K., Prosek P., Budik L., Budikova M., Milinevsky G. Prediction of erythemally effective UVB radiation by means of nonlinear regression model // Environmetrics. � 2009. - DOI: 10.1002/env.968. � P. 1-14 link ��������� �.�., ̳��������� �.�., ������������ �.�., ������ �.�., ������ �.�. ���������� ��������� �� ��������� �� ������������� ������������ ����� ��� ������������� ��������� // ������ �������� ��������� ������������� ������������ ����� ������ ��������. ������� 1. ���������� �����. ���. ���. �.�.���������. ���: ��� ��������� ����������� 2009. � �. 201�203. 2008 ������������ �.�., ������ �.�., ̳��������� �.�., ��������� �.�., ������ �.�. ��������� �������� �� ������������ ��������� ���������� ����� ����� ��� ������������ �������� ������� ����������� (1996-2005 ��.) // ������� ����� � ���������. � 2008. � �. 14, � 5. � �. 74-84 ��������� �.�., ������������ �.�. ̳����� ������� ���������� ����� ����� ��� ����������� � ������� ����� // ����. ����� ������̲. � 2008. � ��� . 257. � �. 106-118 Evtushevsky O.M., Grytsai A.V., Milinevsky G.P. Antarctic tropopause in winter and spring // Space science and technology. � 2008. � Vol. 14, No. 4. � P. 58-71. (in Ukrainian) Evtushevsky O., Milinevsky G., Grytsai A., Kravchenko V., Grytsai Z., Leonov M. Comparison of ground-based Dobson and satellite EP-TOMS total ozone measurements over Vernadsky station, Antarctica, 1996-2005 // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2008. � Vol. 29, No. 9. � P. 2675-2683. - doi:10.1080/01431160701767591 link Varotsos C.A., Milinevsky G., Grytsai A., Efstathiou M., Tzanis C. Scaling effect in planetary waves over Antarctica // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2008. � Vol. 29, No. 9. � P. 2697-2704. � doi: 10.1080/01431160701767559 Grytsai A.V., Evtushevsky O.M., Milinevsky G.P. Anomalous quasi-stationary planetary waves over the Antarctic region in 1988 and 2002 // Annales Geophysicae. � 2008. � Vol. 26, No. 5. � P. 1101-1108 Evtushevsky O.M., Grytsai A.V., Klekociuk A.R., Milinevsky G.P. Total ozone and tropopause zonal asymmetry during the Antarctic spring // Journal of Geophysical Research. � 2008. � Vol. 113. - D00B06. - doi: 10.1029/2008JD009881 Cisak J., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Glotov V., Chizhevsky V., Kovalenok S., Olijnyk A., Zanimonskiy Y. Atmospheric impact on GNSS observations, sea level change investigations and GPS-photogrammetry ice cap survey at Vernadsky station in Antarctic Peninsula // Geodetic and geophysical observations in Antarctica: an overview in the IPY perspective. � 2008. � A. Capra and R. Dietrich (eds.). � Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74882-3. � P. 191-209. Kravchenko V.O. Comparison of the ground-based and satellite total ozone measurements over the Antarctic stations // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. � 2007/2008. � � 6-7. � P. 135-142 (In Ukrainian). 2007 Grytsai A.V., Evtushevsky O.M., Agapitov O.V., Klekociuk A.R., Milinevsky G.P. Structure and long-term change in the zonal asymmetry in Antarctic total ozone during spring // Ann. Geophys. � 2007 � Vol. 25, No. 2. � P. 361-374 link Grytsai A., Evtushevsky A., Milinevsky G., Agapitov A. Longitudinal position of the quasi-stationary wave extremes over the Antarctic region from the TOMS total ozone // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2007. � Vol. 28, No. 6. � P. 1391-1396. - doi:10.1080/01431160600768021 link Galushko V.G., Kashcheyev A.S., Kashcheyev S.B., Koloskov A.V., Pikulik I.I., Yampolski Y.M., Litvinov V.A., Milinevsky G.P., Rakusa-Suszczewski S. Bistatic HF diagnostics of TIDs over the Antarctic Peninsula // Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. � 2007. � Vol. 69, No. 4-5. � P. 403-410, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2006.05.010. 2006 Menk F.W., Clilverd M.A., Yearby K.H., Milinevsky G.P., Thompson N.R., Rose M.C. ULF Doppler oscillation of L=2.5 flux tubes // Journal of Geophysical Research (B): Solid Earth. � 2006. � Vol. 111, No. 7. � A07205. Woodworth P.L., Hughes C.W., Blackman D.L., Stepanov V.N., Holgate S.J., Foden P.R., Pugh J.P., Mack S., Hargreaves G.W., Meredith M.P., Milinevsky G. and Fierro Contreras J.J. Antarctic Peninsula sea levels: a real-time system for monitoring Drake Passage transport // Antarctic Science. � 2006. � Vol. 18, No 3. � P. 429-436. Grytsai A.V., Evtushevsky O.M. Seasonal changes of the activity of quasi-stationary waves in the stratosphere over the Antarctic // Space science and technology. � 2006. � Vol. 12. � No. 4. � P. 71-77 (In Ukrainian). Agapitov O.V., Grytsai A.V., Evtushevsky O.M., Milinevsky G.P. Zonal asymmetry of total ozone content in Antarctica during spring period // Doklady National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. � 2006 � No. 6. � P. 60-67 (In Ukrainian). 2005 Gvozdovsky I., Orlova T., Salkova E., Terenetskaya I., Milinevsky G. Ozone and solar UV-B radiation: monitoring of the vitamin D synthetic capacity of sunlight in Kiev and Antarctica // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2005. � Vol. 26, No. 16. � P. 3555-3559. Grytsai A.V., Grytsai Z.I., Evtushevsky A.M., Milinevsky G.P., Leonov N.A. Zonal wave numbers 1-5 in planetary waves from the TOMS total ozone at 65 S // Annales Geophysicae. � 2005. � Vol. 23, No 5. � P. 1565-1573 link Grytsai A., Grytsai Z., Evtushevsky A., Milinevsky G. Interannual variability of planetary waves in the ozone layer // International Journal of Remote Sensing. � 2005. � Vol. 26, No 16, 20 August. � P. 3377-3387. Greku R., Milinevsky G., Ladanovsky Y., Bakhmach P., Greku T. Topographic and Geodetic Research by GPS, Echosounding and ERS Altimetric, and SAR Interferometric Surveys during Ukrainian Antarctic Expeditions in the West Antarctic. In: Futterer D.K., Damaske D., Kleinschmidt G., Miller H., Tessensohn F. (eds). Antarctica, Contributions to Global Earth Sciences. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. - 2006. - doi:10.1007/3-540-32934-X. - P. 383-390. Grytsai �.V. Anomalies of Antarctic total ozone during the 1988 and 2002 springs // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. � 2005. � No. 3. � P. 10-18. Grytsai A.V., Evtushevsky A.M., Milinevsky G.P. Planetary waves in ozone layer over Antarctic Peninsula in 1999 and 2002 // Bulletin of Kyiv University. � Astronomy. � 2005. � No. 41-42. � P. 69-74 (In Ukrainian). Kulinich B.V., Evtushevsky A.M., Leonov N.A., Milinevsky G.P. Seasonal change of difference between the ground-based and TOMS satellite ozone measurements // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. � 2005. � No. 3. � P. 5-9. Kravchenko V.O., Evtushevsky O.M. Viewing geometry of the sub-auroral red arcs and aurora at Vernadsky station // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. � 2005. � No. 3. � P. 36-43 (In Ukrainian). Grytsai A.V., Evtushevsky A.M., Milinevsky G.P., Grytsai Z.I., Agapitov O.V. Longitudinal distribution of total ozone content in edge region of Antarctic stratospheric vortex // Space science and technology. � 2005. � Vol. 11. � No. 5/6. � P. 5-11 (In Ukrainian). Korepanov V.Ye., Milinevsky G.P., Maksymchuk V.Yu., Ladanivsky B.T., Nakalov Ye.F. State-of-arts and prospects of inner structure and dynamics of Earth core in the region of Akademik Vernadsky station by geoelectromagnetic methods // Electromagnetic phenomenon of geophysical effects in Antarctica. Eds. Litvinenko L.N., Yampolsky Yu.M. Kharkov: Institute of Radioastronomy of NASU. � 2005. � P. 88-101 (In Russian). Korepanov V.Ye., Lytvynenko L.M., Lytvynov V.A., Milinevsky G.P., Yampolsky Yu.M. Electromagnetic testing area of the groundbased support of satellite experiments at Ukrainian Antarctic Station // Electromagnetic phenomenon of geophysical effects in Antarctica. Eds. Litvinenko L.N., Yampolsky Yu.M. Kharkov: Institute of Radioastronomy of NASU. � P. 27-35 (In Russian). Kremen V.G., Lytvynov V.A., Milinevsky G.P. Ten years of Ukrainian research in Antarctica // Electromagnetic phenomenon of geophysical effects in Antarctica. Eds. Litvinenko L.N., Yampolsky Yu.M. Kharkov: Institute of Radioastronomy of NASU. � P. 7-23 (In Russian). Moller A.P., Mousseau T.A., Milinevsky G., Peklo A., Pysanets E., Szep T. Condition, reproduction and survival of barn swallows from Chernobyl // Journal of Animal Ecology. - 2005.- Vol. 74. - P. 1102�1111. - doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2005.01009.x link 2004 Grytsai A.V., Grytsai Z.I., Evtushevsky A.M., Milinevsky G.P., Leonov N.A. Traveling planetary waves in ozone layer over Antarctic Peninsula // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. � 2004. � No. 2. � P. 105-110. Korepanov V.Ye., Lytvynenko L.M., Lytvynov V.A., Milinevsky G.P., Yampolsky Yu.M. Electromagnetic range of ground-based support of satellite experiments at Ukrainian Antarctic station // Space science and technology. � 2004. � Vol. 10. � No. 2/3. � P. 74-80 (In Ukrainian). Prosek �., Laska �., Budikova �., Milinevsky G. The regime of total and biologically effective ultraviolet radiation at Vernadsky Station (Argentine Islands, Antarctica) and the impact of ozone and cloudiness in 2002 and 2003 // Czech geography at the dawn of the millenium. � Olomous: Czech Geographic Society, Palacky University in Olomous, 2004. � P. 211-223. 2003 Clilverd M. A., Menk F.W., Milinevsky G.P., Sandel B.R., Goldstein J., Reinisch B.W., Wilford C.R., Rose M.C., Thomson N.R., Yearly K.H., Bailey G.J., Mann I.R., and Carpenter D.L. In situ and ground-based intercalibration measurements of plasma density at L = 2.5 // J. Geophys. Res. - 2003. - doi: 10.1029/2003JA009866. Glotov V.M., Kovalenok S.B., Milinevsky G.P., Nakalov E.F., Fulitka Y.V. Monitoring of small ice caps as indicators of the Antarctic Peninsula region climate change // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. - 2003. - No. 1. - P. 93-98. 2002 Milinevsky G.P., Leonov M.A., Gritsai Z.I., Evtushevsky O.M., Katinas I.E. Ozone measurements from Antarctic station Akademik Vernadsky in 1996-2000 // Bulletin of Kyiv University. � Astronomy. � 2002. � No. 38. � P. 63-69 (In Ukrainian). Evtushevsky O.M., Milinevsky G.P., Katinas I.E. Dynamics of the ozone miniholes over Ukraine by satellite observations 1979-2000 // Bulletin of Ukrainian Antarctic Centre. � 2002. � No. 4. � P. 90-96 (In Ukrainian). 2000 Gritsai Z.I., Evtushevsky A.M., Leonov N.A., Milinevsky G.P. Comparison of ground-based and TOMS-EP total ozone data for Antarctica and northern midlatitude station (1996-1999) // Physics and Chemistry of Earth (B). � 2000. � Vol. 25. � No. 5-6. � P. 459-461. Kravchenko V.A., Milinevsky G.P., Suprunenko A.A., Evtushevsky A.M.. The search of the long-term oscillations in the geomagnetic field and ozone data from Antarctic station "Akademik Vernadsky" // Phys. Chem. Earth (B). - 2000. - Vol. 25. - No. 5-6. - P. 149-152. Lambert J.-C., M.Van Roozendael, P.C. Simon, J.-P. Pommereau, F.Goutail, J.F. Gleason, S.B. Andersen, D.W.Arlander, N.A. Bui Van, H. Claude, J. de La Nol, M. De Maziure, V.Dorokhov, P. Eriksen, A. Green, K. Karlsen Turnkvist, B.A.K�stad Huiskar, E.Kyrts, J.Leveau, M.-F. Merienne, G.Milinevsky, H.K.Roscoe, A. Sarkissian, J.D. Shanklin, J. Stehelin, C. Wahlstrum Tellefsen, and G. Vaughan. Combined Characterisation of GOME and TOMS Total Ozone Measurements From Space Using Ground-Based Observations From the NDSC // Adv. Space Res. - 2000. - V. 26, No 12. - P. 1931-1940. 1996 Milinevsky G.P., Kashirin A.I., Romanovsky Yu.A., Stenbaek- Nielsen H.C., Kelley M.C. Long-lived artificial ion clouds in the Earth's ionosphere // Geophys. Res. Lett. - 1993. - Vol. 20, No. 11. - P. 1019-1022. Zaitsev S.N., G.P.Milinevsky, A.M.Evtushevsky. Simulation of the initial evolution of the CRRES G-9 barium release in the ionosphere // Journ. of Atm. and Terr. Phys. - 1996. - Vol 58, No 16. -P. 1895-1901. 1993 Blaunstein N.Sh., Milinevsky G.P., Savchenko V.A., Mishin E.V. Formation and development of striated structure during plasma cloud evolution in the Earth's ionosphere // Planet. Space. Sci. � 1993. - Vol. 41, No. 6. - P. 453-460. Kashirin A.I., Milinevsky G.P., Kluev O.F. Artificial plasma cloud evolution in the low latitude ionosphere // Journ. of Atmosph. and Terrestrial Physics. - 1993. - Vol. 55. - P. 193-195. Milinevsky G.P., Namazov S.A., Romanovsky Yu.A. The observations of the long life artificial ion cloud in the low latitude ionosphere in the CRRES experiment // Kosmicheskie issledovaniya. - 1993 - Vol. 31. - P. 150-153. Belotserkovsky M.B., Gurvich A.V., Milinevsky G.P., et al. Ionosphere effects of high-velocity shaped charge air-plasma flow release // Kosmicheskie issledovaniya. - 1993. -Vol. 31. - No. 2. - P. 32-42. In books: 2011 ���������� � ������������ ��������� �������. ���������� �.�., ������� �.�., ������� �.�. � ��. (���.). - ����:����-�����, 2011. - 448 �. 2009 ������ �������� ��������� ������������� ������������ ����� ������ ��������. ������� 1. ���������� �����. �������� �.�. (���.). - ���: ��� ��������� ����������� 2009. � 203 c. 2008 Geodetic and geophysical observations in Antarctica: an overview in the IPY perspective. A. Capra and R. Dietrich (eds.). � 2008. � Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74882-3. � 356 p. 2006 Antarctica, Contributions to Global Earth Sciences. Futterer D.K., Damaske D., Kleinschmidt G., Miller H., Tessensohn F. (eds). - 2006. - Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/3-540-32934-X. - 477 p. 2005 Electromagnetic phenomenon of geophysical effects in Antarctica. Eds. Litvinenko L.N., Yampolsky Yu.M. (eds.). � 2005. - Kharkov: Institute of Radioastronomy of NASU. � 331 p. (In Russian).Yu.M. (eds.). � 2005. - Kharkov: Institute of Radioastronomy of NASU. � 331 p. (In Russian). Recent conference abstracts 2014 Milinevsky G.P., Evtushevsky O.M., Kravchenko V.O., Hood L.L. Lagged Correlations of the Antarctic Stratosphere with Tropical Pacific SST Anomalies // AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, USA. - Abstract, 2014. - A23K-3401. - doi: 10.13140/2.1.3994.7843 Bovchaliuk V., Podvin Th., Mortier A., Goloub Ph., Dubovik O., Tanre D., Veselovskii I., Victori S. Aerosol optical and microphysical properties retrieved from combination LIDAR with Sun/sky photometer: Preliminary results over Lille // 10th International Conference on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles, August 25-29. - 2014. - Marseille, France. � 3 p. Bovchaliuk V., Goloub P., Tanré D., Aerosol properties in cloudy environment, 1ère Journée scientifique CaPPA, 17 février 2014, Lille, France. ( Bovchaliuk V., Dubovik O., Goloub P., Tanré D. et al. Caractérisation des aérosols par synergie LIDAR/Sun-Sky photomètre, Workshop ROSEA ORAURE 2014, 19-21 mai 2014. Lannemezan, Toulouse, France. Goloub P., Bovchaliuk V., Dubovik O., et al. Use of GRASP/GARRLIC Advanced Aerosols Retrievals for the processing of multi and single wavelength LIDAR data. Application to Lille observations, 28-31 October 2014, Lille, France. 2013 Milinevsky G., Grytsai A., Evtushevsky O., Danylevsky V., Udodov E., Gladikov D. Vertical ozone distribution features in the atmosphere over midlatitude Kyiv-Goloseyev station. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-6148-1, 2013, EGU General Assembly, 2013. Milinevsky G., Grytsai A., Klekociuk A., Evtushevsky O. Backward movement of ozone minimum position as a possible consequence of ozone recovery over Antarctica // AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2013, San Francisco, USA. - Abstract, 2013, A43E-0317. Smirnov A., Holben B., Sayer A., Sakerin S., Radionov V., Courcoux Y., Broccardo S., Evangelista H., Croot P., Disterhoft P., Piketh S., Milinevsky G., O'Neill N., Slutsker I., Giles D. Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements in the Southern Ocean Within the Framework of Maritime Aerosol Network // AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2013, San Francisco. - Abstract, 2013, A43G-0367. 2012 2011 2010 Klekociuk A., Siddaway J., Petelina S., Grytsai A., Milinevsky G. and Dargaville R. Trends in the zonal asymmetry of Antarctic total column ozone // Australia - New Zealand Climate Forum 2010. Southern Hemisphere Climate: features, findings, futures. � October, 13-15, 2010, Hobart, Australia. ������������ �., ̳��������� �., ������� �., ������ �., ������� �., �������� �., �������� �., ����� �. ������� ������������ �������� �� ������ ��������� ��������� �� ������������ ������������ ��� ������� ��� ��������� ��� ������ // ̳�������� ����������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ������. � 16-19 ��������� 2010, ���, ������. � C. 13�14. ��������� �., ������������ �., ̳��������� �. ������� ������� ������ ����������� � ������ ������������� ���������: ����� ������������ ������� // ̳�������� ����������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ������. � 16-19 ��������� 2010, ���, ������. � C. 54. ̳��������� �., ������� �., ������ �., ������������ �., ��������� �., ��������� �., ������������ �., ������ �., ���������� �., �������� �. ���������� ����� ��� ����� �� ��������� ���������������� ������� // ̳�������� ����������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ������. � 16-19 ��������� 2010, ���, ������. � C. 28. ̳��������� �., ���������� �., ��������� �. �������� � ������� �������������� ����� ��� ����������� �� ������ ������ �� ���������� ϳ�������� ������ // ̳�������� ����������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ������. � 16-19 ��������� 2010, ���, ������. - C. 81. ������ �.�. ���������� � ������������� ��������������� ����� � ������� ����� � ���� // 10-� ���������� ����������� �� ����������� �������������. � 30 �������-3 �������� 2010, ���������, �������. � C. 91. Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Klekociuk A., Grytsai A. Arctic and antarctic tropopause during winter and spring // Oslo Science Conference �International Polar Year�. � June, 8-12, 2010, Oslo, Norway. � EM11.2-2.1. Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Klekociuk A., Grytsai A. Quasi-stationary wave amplitude in ozone distribution during antarctic spring // Oslo Science Conference �International Polar Year�. � June, 8-12, 2010, Oslo, Norway. � PS3-sec.C. Agapitov O.V., Grytsai A.V. Planetary wave structure in the Antarctic stratosphere // International Conference dedicated to 165-th Anniversary of Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and 105-th Anniversary of S.K. Vsekhsvyatsky �Astronomy and Space Physics in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv�. � May, 24-28, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. � P. 45. Grytsai A.V. Antarctic ozone distribution during the last 30 years: change in tendencies // International Conference dedicated to 165-th Anniversary of Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and 105-th Anniversary of S.K. Vsekhsvyatsky �Astronomy and Space Physics in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv�. � May, 24-28, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. � P. 45. Kravchenko O.V., Evtushevsky O.M., Grytsai A.V. and Milinevsky G.P. Periodicity in the decadal change of the winter temperature in the Antarctic Peninsula region // International Conference dedicated to 165-th Anniversary of Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and 105-th Anniversary of S.K. Vsekhsvyatsky �Astronomy and Space Physics in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv�. � May, 24-28, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. � P. 47. Smirnov A., Holben B., Macke A., Courcoux Y., Croot P., Sakerin S., Smyth T., Zibordi G., Zielinski T., Harvey M., Goes J., Nelson N., Quinn P., Radionov V., Triquet S., Sciare J., Duarte C., Voss K., Krishna Moorthy K., Nalli N., Joseph E., Milinevsky G., Gulev S., Covert D., Slutsker I., O�Neill N., Giles D., Eck T. Maritime aerosol network as a component of AERONET � relevance to ocean color remote sensing // Conf. �Oceans from Space�. � April, 26-30, 2010, Venice, Italy. � Abstracts. � P. 211�212. ������������ �., ̳��������� �., ������� �., ������ �., ������� �., �������� �., �������� �., ����� �. ������� ������������ �������� �� ������ ��������� ��������� �� ������������ ������������ ��� ������� ��� ��������� ��� ������ // ������ ����� ̳�������� ����������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ������. � 16-19 ��������� 2010, ���, ������. � 12 �. ����������� �., �������� �., ����������� �., ������ �., ����������� �., ��������� �., �������� �., ������ �. ������������ �������� ���� ��� ����� � ������� ���������������� ������� // ������ ����� ̳�������� ����������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ������. � 16-19 ��������� 2010, ���, ������. � 8 �. Milinevsky G.P., Kovalenok S.B., Pshenichnov L.K. Stratosphere ozone distribution over Antarctica asymmetry as impact factor on South Ocean ecosystem // ������ ����� ̳�������� ����������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ������. � 16-19 ��������� 2010, ���, ������. � 4 p. 2009 Danylevsky V., Ivchenko V., Milinevsky G., Sosonkin M., Goloub P., Li Z., Dubovik O. Aerosol layer properties over Kyiv from AERONET/PHOTONS sunphotometer measurements during 2008-2009 // Advanced research workshop �Use of satellite and in situ data to improve sustainability�.� June, 9-12, 2009, Kyiv. Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Grytsai A., Lozitsky V. Zonal asymmetry in Arctic and Antarctic ozone distribution in connection to climate change // Advanced research workshop �Use of satellite and in situ data to improve sustainability�.� June, 9-12, 2009, Kyiv. Grytsai A. Planetary wave impact on antarctic ozone layer // 36th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods. � August, 17-22, 2009, Kyiv. � P. 75. Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Grytsai A., Kravchenko V., Klekociuk A., Grytsai Z. The ozone hole variability preconditions related to the antarctic stratosphere temperature distribution layer // 36th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods. � August, 17-22, 2009, Kyiv. � P. 77. Evtushevsky O., Grytsai A., Klekociuk A., Milinevsky G., Lozitsky V. Troposphere and stratosphere influences on the tropopause in the polar regions // 36th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods. � August, 17-22, 2009, Kyiv. � P. 85. Lozitsky V., Evtushevsky O., Grytsai A., Klekociuk A., Milinevsky G. Comparison of the total ozone zonal distribution at the 60S and 60N latitudes // 36th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods. � August, 17-22, 2009, Kyiv. � P. 92. Dorozhynskyy O, Milinevskyy H, Hlotov V (2004) Photogrammetric research conducted at the Antarctic station �Academician Vernadskyy�. In: Proceedings Volume IAPRS XXXV B4 XXth ISPRS Congress: 642�644, Kovalenok S.B.,Milinevsky G.P., Glotov V.N., Tretjak K.R., Chizhevsky V.V., Greku R.Kh., Moskalevsky M.Yu. (2004) Small ice cap dynamic in the Antarctic Peninsula rapid climate change conditions. In: XXVIII SCAR Open Science Conference, Bremen, 2004 � Abstracts Session 08: Climate history of the Antarctic from ice cores and meteorological reports S08/O10, pp. 216�217 Shanklin J.D., Kovalenok S.B., Milinevsky G.P. (2004) Impact of Antarctic Peninsula climate change on Galindez Island ice cap dynamics. In: Interdisciplinary Workshop �Antarctic Peninsula Climate Variability: History, Causes and Impacts�, 16�18 September 2004, Cambridge UK. Abstracts, p. 45 |