Project main results
PICS Project results description
Highlights of the project in 10 points 1. Contribution to the AERONET/PHOTONS program and collaboration with LOA in frame of PICS project provided opportunity to study aerosols in the atmosphere over large area of Ukraine. Contribute to the international database (long-term aerosol monitoring, already 8 years of Aerosol monitoring over Ukraine with AERONET). 2. Since 2012, AERONET-Europe (ACTRIS) is supporting calibration/maintenance activity in Ukraine. 3. Particles load in the atmosphere over Ukraine is similar to other areas of Eastern Europe. Aerosols properties (and sources of aerosols) are very similar as well. Aerosol spatial distribution over Ukraine is approximately uniform but special events of aerosol loading occur from time to time associated with fires and aerosol particles transport by the airflows. 4. Contribution to the preparation of Ukrainian Aerosol-UA space mission for polarimetry study of global aerosol distribution and microphysics for improvement of climate models. 5. Observations over Kyiv AERONET/PHOTONS site suggest on the negative trend of the AOD during 2008 � 2014. 6. Aerosols radiative forcing at the TOA determined by observations at Kyiv site using for the first time the GAME algorithm and AERONET retrievals on the average is negative during the year and mainly contributes to cooling of the atmosphere over Kyiv and Ukraine, but it is positive in snowing winter months and negative in the rest of a year contributing to lessening difference of the climate conditions between cold and warm parts of a year in Ukraine. 7. First in the history LiDAR observation in Ukraine allows to understand altitude aerosol distribution in atmosphere over Ukraine and to improve radiative forcing calculations (heavy smoke event sample during the campaign brings attention of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). 8. Involvement of Ph.D students and young researcher and post-doc in the project (Erasmus support, 11 month post-doc), Lille 1 (Ph.D thesis, aerosols- lidar expertize). 9. Joint workshop organized in France (Lille, LOA) in November 2015 (see program in annex). 10. Total of 15 publications for 2013-2014 and 2015 (8 directly linked to PICS). Publications list 2015 (6): Yatskiv Ya. S., Milinevsky G. P. Information on fire smoke in atmosphere in Kyiv. Visnyk NAS of Ukraine. � 2015. � No 10. � P. 25�30. � ISSN 1027-3239. Milinevsky, G., Ya. Yatskiv, O. Degtyaryov, I. Syniavskyi, Yu. Ivanov, A. Bovchaliuk, M. Mishchenko, V. Danylevsky, M. Sosonkin, V. Bovchaliuk. Remote sensing of aerosol in the terrestrial atmosphere from space: new missions. Advances in astronomy and space physics.� 2015.� V. 5. � P. 11-16. � ISSN 2227-1481. A. V. Soina, G. P. Milinevsky, Y. M. Yampolski. Seven-day variations in the atmospheric aerosols. Radiophysics and Radio Astronomy.� 2015. � V. 20(2). � P. 109-121. (in Russian) Syniavskyi I. I., Milinevsky G. P., Ivanov Yu. S., Sosonkin M. G., Danylevsky V. O., Rosenbush V. K., Bovchaliuk A. P., Lukenyuk A. A., Shymkiv A. P., Mishchenko M. I. Methodology, hardware implementation, and validation of satellite remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols: first results of the AEROSOL-UA space experiment development. Space Science and Technology. � 2015. � 21(3). � P. 9-17. Evtushevsky O.M., Kravchenko V.O., Hood L.L., Milinevsky G.P. Teleconnection between the central tropical Pacific and the Antarctic stratosphere: spatial patterns and time lags // Climate Dynamics. � 2015. � V. 44, Issue 7-8. � P. 1841-1855. - ISSN: 0930-7575 Bovchaliuk A., The atmospheric aerosol dynamics using ground-based and satellite observations, Thèse de doctorat soutenue le 23.01.15., à l�Université TS à Kyiv, Ukraine. 2014 (5) : Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Bovchaliuk V., Bovchaliuk A., Goloub Ph., Dubovik O., Kabashnikov V., Chaikovsky A., Miatselskaya N., Mishchenko M., Sosonkin M. Aerosol seasonal variations over urban�industrial regions in Ukraine according to AERONET and POLDER measurements // Atmos. Meas. Tech. � 2014. � V. 7. � P. 1459�1474. � doi:10.5194/amt-7-1459-2014 Galitska E.I., Danylevsky V.O., Snizhko S.I. Atmosphere aerosol contamination over Kyiv by AERONET remote sensing and forest fire summer 2010 impact // Geopolitics and Ecogeodynamics of Regions. � 2014. � V. 10(1). � P. 437 � 444. (in Ukrainian) Evtushevsky O., Grytsai A., Milinevsky G. On the regional distinctions in annual cycle of total ozone in the northern midlatitudes // Remote Sensing Letters. - 2014. - V. 5(3). - P. 205�212. - Milinevsky, G., Danylevsky, V., Bovchaliuk, V., Bovchaliuk, A., Goloub, Ph., Dubovik, O., Kabashnikov, V., Chaikovsky, A., Mishchenko, M., and Sosonkin, M. 2014. �Aerosol seasonal variations over urban�industrial regions in Ukraine according to AERONET and POLDER measurements.� Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7: 1459�1474. doi:10.5194/amt-7-1459-2014. Kabashnikov V., Milinevsky G., Chaikovsky A., Miatselskaya N., Danylevsky V., Aculinin A., Kalinskaya D., Korchemkina E., Bovchaliuk A., Pietruczuk A., Sobolewsky P., Bovchaliuk V. Localization of aerosol sources in East-European region by back-trajectory statistics // International Journal of Remote Sensing. - 2014. - V. 35 (19). - P. 6993-7006. - doi: 10.1080/01431161.2014.960621. Milinevsky G.P., Danylevsky V.O., Bovchaliuk A.P., Goloub Ph., Bovchaliuk V.P. Seasonal variations of aerosol contamination over urban sites in Ukraine by POLDER remote sensing, GEO-UA 2014, Earth observation for sustainable development and security, p. 84-85, ISBN 978-966-02-7248-4, 2014. 2013 (6) : Milinevsky G.P. The AERONET network: atmospheric aerosol research in Ukraine // Bulletin of Ukrainian Earth Orientation Parameters Laboratory (BUEOP). - 2013. - V. 8. - P. 95-97. Kabashnikov V., Milinevsky G., Bovchaliuk V., Danylevsky V. Localization of sources regions of aerosols arrived to Central Part of Ukraine by back-trajectory statistics // Visnyk of Astronomical School. - 2013. - V. 9 (1�2). - P. 149-154. - ISSN 1607-2855. (in Ukrainian) Bovchaliuk A. The spatial variability of PM2.5 using satellite POLDER/PARASOL data over Ukraine // Advances in astronomy and space physics. � 2013. � V. 3(2). � P. 102-108. Bovchaliuk A.P. Wildfire influence on aerosol distribution over Ukraine by satellite and groundbased measurements. // Space Science and technology. � 2013. � V. 19(5). � P. 27-41. Bovchaliuk V., Bovchaliuk A., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Sosonkin M., Goloub Ph. Aerosol Microtops II sunphotometer observations over Ukraine // Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. - 2013. - V. 3. - P. 46-52. Bovchaliuk A., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Goloub P., Dubovik O., Holdak A., Ducos F., Sosonkin M. Variability of aerosol properties over Eastern Europe observed from ground and satellites in the period from 2003 to 2011 // Atmos. Chem. Phys. - 2013. - V. 13. - P. 6587-6602. - doi:10.5194/acp-13-6587-2013. Submitted, in preparation (for 2016) N. Miatselskaya, V. Kabashnikov, G. Milinevsky, A. Chaikovsky, V. Danylevsky, and V. Bovchaliuk. Atmospheric aerosol distribution in Belarus-Ukraine region by the GEOS-Chem model and AERONET measurements. IJRS, 2015 Previous to 2013 publications: they can be found at CRDF Project results description Goals. The goals of the project was to obtain new valuable scientific data on atmosphere aerosol distribution and dynamics over Ukraine and neighbor regions, to develop infrastructure for aerosol monitoring and investigation, and to create a team educated young scientists who will continue atmosphere research and specifically aerosol monitoring in Ukraine. Research problem statement. We attempted and succeed to solve the problem of luck of information on state and dynamics of atmosphere aerosol over Ukraine what is important parameters in global and regional climate models. This information assists to assess aerosol impacts on regional characteristics of the atmosphere and the established project database helping estimate the global aerosol forcing of climate. Summary of research findings and research impacts. Benefit to Institution. As the result of impact of our research the Joint Laboratory for Aerosol Research was created between our University and Main Astronomical Observatory. The "aerosol" team appeared in our University, which has been equipped by up-to-date sunphotometers for aerosol investigations. The gap with the aerosol amount, distribution and properties data over Ukraine was a problem for general analysis of atmosphere aerosol impact on climate changes over the Europe, and for assessment aerosol impacts on regional characteristics of the atmosphere. Thanks to the project we established long-term monitoring of aerosol and ozone characteristics in several regions of Ukraine, designed and created the new devices for aerosol optical thickness measurements, established the database with aerosol and ozone parameters that helps to estimate the global aerosol forcing on climate. The project was an excellent starting point to create in our University the team of atmosphere constituents and aerosol researchers. In spite of failure of the NASA US aerosol space mission Glory, the our project helps to start new space proposal in Ukraine: aerosol mission concept with instrument similar to Aerosol Polarimeter Sensor to solve very important international level problem to study physical properties of atmospheric aerosol which most uncertain factor of climate changes impact. This new mission in case of success will be extremely interesting for scientific climate modelling community due to big uncertainty of aerosol climate forcing. As the result three of us of the project team including young scientists are participating in the mission concept development. Summarizing, the project assist to create in our University the team of atmosphere researchers, which is unique in that field in Ukraine. Furthering knowledge in the field. We significantly improved knowledge on aerosol distribution and dynamics over Ukraine. The new atmospheric observational sites, the monitoring methodology, and the experience were developed and obtained by our team during the project. All of those are important and useful for improved understanding of the influence of the aerosol distribution and transport over Ukraine on other parts of Europe, including the effects of spontaneous aerosol releases from Ukraine industrial regions and forest fires. Aerosol measurements and back trajectory analysis in the Chernobyl contamination area gave information on a subject that has not been explored extensively in the past. The collected project database of aerosol optical thickness values and other aerosol parameters will serve as the base for the evaluation of aerosol impacts inflicted by contaminated areas on clean regions. Potential Applications. The results of the project provided a basis for development joint Ukraine/US proposal of space mission for global aerosol properties study to improve climate models (reduce uncertainties for aerosol radiative forcing). Weather severity and climate variations/change/warming, UV radiation impact, stratosphere ozone layer recovery, UV-index, air quality on PM2.5 maps for Ukraine territory from POLDER/PARASOL. From website to inform community on aerosol polluted areas. Mariupol people fight to close the still production factory. Two type sunphotometers: portable and scanning will be produced to develop the aerosol measuring network in Ukraine. Follow-On Activities/Next Steps. The project provided a starting point on development aerosol monitoring network in Ukraine, where was a gap in observation sites of the AERONET network. Basing on the project we designed our own portable sunphotometers using Microtops II as prototype, and automatic two-channel scanning photometer using CIMEL CE318 as prototype. Air quality The most damaging to human health are aerosol particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, value known as PM2.5 (Particular Matter). Satellites offer a perspective on PM2.5, in particular, over Ukraine. From the work performed by Kacenhelenbogen et al., in 2006, with the PARASOL data over West Europe area, we derived PM2.5 maps for Ukraine air quality based on PARASOL fine mode AOD. More results and details see at Project Final Report CRDF Award UKG2-2969-KV-09 |
Gennadi Milinevsky |