Satellite POLDER, MODIS and MISR data for Ukraine
Aerosol satellite POLDER/PARASOL, MODIS/Terra, MODIS/Aqua and MISR/Terra data for Ukraine region
The aerosol variability using POLDER/PRASOL, MODIS/Terra, MODIS/Aqua and MISR/Terra data over Ukraine is presented. POLDER/PARASOL PARASOL (Polarization & Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Sciences coupled with Observations from a Lidar) is the microsatellite that is carrying a wide-field imaging radiometer/polarimeter POLDER (Polarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances). The instrument was developed in the Laboratoire d' Optique Atmosphérique (LOA, University Lille1, CNRS-USTL). POLDER is designed to improve the knowledge of the radiative and microphysical properties of clouds and aerosols by measuring the directionality and polarization of light reflected by the Earth-atmosphere system. We retrieve the maps with monthly mean aerosol optical depth at 865 nm, Angstrom exponent computed between 670 and 865 nm and number of valid observations. Use the link POLDER data for Ukraine to our project database to see and to download images. Visualizations of POLDER/PARASOL data on our web-site we produced using parasolascii data dumper and data archive produced by ICARE. MODIS/Terra and MODIS/Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites. Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS has a viewing swath width of 2330 km and views the entire surface of the Earth every one to two days. Its detectors measure 36 spectral bands between 0.405 and 14.385 �m, and it acquires data at three spatial resolutions - 250m, 500m, and 1,000m. The many data products derived from MODIS observations describe features of the land, oceans and the atmosphere that can be used for studies of processes and trends on local to global scales. We created from MODIS data the images for Ukraine territory with aerosol optical depth AOD at 550 nm and Angstrom exponent values computed between 470 and 660 nm. MISR/Terra The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument provides a unique opportunity for studying the ecology and climate of Earth through the acquisition of global multiangle imagery on the daylight side of Earth. Its imagery is carefully calibrated to provide accurate measures of the brightness, contrast, and color of reflected sunlight. The change in reflection at different view angles affords the means to distinguish different types of atmospheric particles (aerosols), cloud forms, and land surface covers. Combined with stereoscopic techniques, this enables construction of 3-D models and estimation of the total amount of sunlight reflected by Earth's diverse environments. We used data to presented maps for Ukraine with aerosol optical depth at 865, 555, 443 nm. Visualizations of Terra-MODIS, Aqua-MODIS and Terra-MISR used in this web-site were produced with the Giovanni online data system, developed and maintained by the NASA GES DISC. |
Gennadi Milinevsky |